The Power of Low-Ego, High Drive Leadership

One of the most common myths about leadership is that arrogant, over-confident people are better leaders. Humbitious shatters that myth. Amer Kaissi, an award-winning professor at Trinity University, brings his years of experience as an executive coach together with extensive research to show that the most effective, high-performing leaders combine deep, realistic humility with ambition and drive. Humbitious is a solid, intelligent, clear, and engaging book that uses the stories of individual leaders to illuminate the dimensions of humble leadership in its relation to others and to oneself.

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An entertaining and brilliantly compelling argument for humble honesty. Amer Kaissi deftly weaves research and the experiences of leaders – some impressive and some not – into a convincing case that humility unlocks our potential.”

Stanley McChrystal, Retired Four-Star General, Commander- Joint Special Operations Command 

"How can leaders display humility while remaining ambitious? Amer Kaissi reveals the fascinating answers in this entertaining and evidence-based book."  

– Dr. Tasha Eurich, Organizational Psychologist and New York Times Bestselling Author of Insight and Bankable Leadership

With Humbitious, Amer Kaissi has exposed humility not just as virtue worth striving for, but also as a valuable tool for success. I highly recommend this book for readers on any stage of their leadership journey.”

Daniel Lubetzky, Founder of KIND Snacks, Guest shark, Shark Tank


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